Savi Organics "The Beginning of an exciting Journey"

 The name Savi is of Indian origin & means “Goddess Lakshmi” one who brings purity, prosperity & wealth wherever she goes; and is the embodiment of beauty, grace and charm.

  • Purity of Raw Materials in their unadulterated form & from sustainable sources
  • Prosperity of nature and humans alike; sustainable, reusable, biodegradable & organic wherever possible
  • Wealth of knowledge (ancient herbal medicine & proven biochemistry) which is applied to our product formulations


What are we all about?

Everything we use within or around our product needs to tick our sustainability boxes of

  • Reuse
  • Repurpose
  • Recycle
  • Or compost

Our Savi Earthlings believe in our ancestors stories and knowledge of country and sea. It is important to acknowledge that every country or continent grows-produces all the medicinal plants the inhabitants need to live a healthy & happy life.



SAVI ORGANICS features the best of Australian Native extracts and oils, bio-available in sufficient amounts to deliver beautiful, radiant skin.

Phytonutrient rich organic formulations promoting a healthy lifestyle, Savi Earthlings takes a holistic approach to healthy skin care, an experience for the mind, body, spirit & emotions. A happy mind & happy spirit creates a healthy body – beauty – grace – charm

Sustainability is each and everyone’s responsibility where Savi Earthlings has made sure every item or packaging used within the range is either reuse - recycle and or compostable. We are the creators of our children’s future & prosperity.

Together we can change the world. 

Your fellow Earthlings 

Lena & Mojo